Applications are invited for the next batch (2025-26 batch)

Applications are invited for the next batch (2025 – 26 batch) Applications are invited for the 2025-26 batch of the Direct Pathway MS-Biomedical Engineering & MS-Machine Learning Engineering programs in collaboration with Drexel University, USA.   Please send your request to receive application form to [email protected]

Drexel University team at SSN SACE for Direct Pathway Program Orientation

Event Date: February 14th 2024Event Title: Drexel University team at SSN SACE for Direct Pathway Program Orientation “Empowering Futures: Drexel University & SSN SACE Direct Pathway Program Orientation Recap!” A big thank you to all the students who attended the orientation session for the MS Biomedical Engineering program at Drexel University in collaboration with SSN School of Advanced Career Education Direct Pathway […]

MS BME Founding batch at Drexel University, USA

Event Date: January 7th 2024Event Title: MS BME Founding batch at Drexel University, USA Thrilled to share that the inaugural batch of SSN SACE – Drexel Direct Pathway MS BME students has successfully arrived in the U.S., completed their orientation, and embarked on their academic journey at Drexel University! The start of classes marks a significant […]